Hello there , only left less than two weeks from today I will study the way off there. Where? well still in the north. Maybe this is my fate .
Am I ready? .
I do not know.
This week my busy week and I am very excited , yeah you know . My shopping week . My mind getting crazy with those 'sale' word with that cloth , that dress , that shoes , this handbang , that -this . I just can't control myself .
As my mom usually said ' I'm getting be hysteria saw those thing . Duhh. Normal-lah .
Anyway just wish luck for me . (I don't know what to write that's why I'm leaving so much space )
Happy Shopping Day !
'' When I shop , the world gets better , and the world is better , but then it's not , and I need to do it again'' -Sophie Kinsella
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