So a few days left to 2016, so let's wrap my 2015 book. Cewah
This year its quite good year for me, well everyone does have ups and downs day it is normal. If you do not have a problem in your life well is a miracle all I can say. I learn a lot for this year being more positive and more happier . I guess. Actually thanks to youtube because bring me to some video I accidentally click that change my mind. Maybe there's God power behind all this.
The video I clicked it is kind of a lecture (kot) from Prof. Muhaya it is very inspiring me a lot the title is 'kebersihan hati' it was very good to listen. I recommend to you guys for who always think you are alone, no one wants you, you upset with yourself. Please click this button . Thanks me later.
I will pointed out a few points that I use as my principal in life from this talk :
- You feel upset because you always depend on people not God that is the main reasons why you always upset because you do not believe in God power. People can only listen to your problem but God, He listen and He can change because He has power. So please never miss your solat and don't forget to dua' even in tough or you happiness moments lets He be the first one to know.
- Try to make people smile as much as you can , even in words . Saying a good word to people so they will be nice to you and comfortable talk to you.
and there's a lot you can get from this talk. I do recommend you . Like seriously
So summary for my 2015 year , I already accomplish a few my wishlist, sooo here we goooo :
1) Travel with my friends
Phuket , Thailand. For a week so you may click here to know my story D travel to phuket
Art Street, Terengganu
This is Terengganu , 3 days 2 night well I did not post entry about this due to lack of time but seriously , it is very nice place. InsyaAllah if I rajin I will post but probability maybe not. I will visit Terengganu again because it very nice place and nice people.
Family portrait , LOL. Nah, this picture after we finish soaking in Tambun Water Park for 7 hours . It was so great and nice, well actually this trip for my assignment trip .We visit three place in a day which is Peneng Hill, Taipaing Lake Garden and Tambun Water Park. Yes, I know sounds fun but after we have fun then we should do the presentation from our visit. Huhu. Lagha sangat lupa nak ambik gambar but I do video huhu just keep reading nah.
2) Travel with my family
Sarawak, Malaysia
You can click here to know my story in Sarawak My birthday trip
3) My Dean list award
Spot me if you can. Huhu.
4) Make my own Youtube channel
So yeah , but I think I just want to post and edit for my travel video only . Actually is been long time I want to do this but finally , I got my own youtube channel even hahah no one subscribe but who cares because I make it for fun . Even tho I am not good in editing video yet but I will learn more *tunduk hormat . Mintak tunjuk ajar ya .
feel free drop by okay
So yeah I am glad because half of my wishlist I accomplish for this year. Time to make new wishlist and I hope I can accomplish again , and after all thanks to Allah Almighty for all my journey in 2015. May Allah bless you and thanks for reading hope you guys accomplish your wishlist too and believe me living in this world is not that bad as long you spread good vibes okay. Ouh yeah put your smile on your face always okay even sleep. I don't care. Smile and positive.
- END OF CHAPTER 12 OF 12 FOR 2015-
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