Assalamualaikum and hello my silent readers, We meet again in my post segment ‘one year one country (gituw)’. I just came back from Bangkok last Wednesday and here I am writing and updating my blog. This year I went to Cambodia and Bangkok for 4 days with my new travel partners Liyana my UUM’s friend and cute little girl Wani which is Liyana’s friend. It is kind of awesome to travel with someone new. Making new friend when travelling (checked). This trip is the cutest trip ever; I don’t know why but I think is kind of cute. Thanks for being my travel partners for this year so let’s get started:- Day 1 12:55 PM Boarding from KLIA – Siem Reap (Cambodia) – RM 75 / one way without luggage I booked in February so my trip is in July by AirAsia. The journey is about 2 hours. 02: 45 PM Reach at Siem Reap International Airport We stayed in Visoth Boutique Hotel for 3 days 2 nights – 17 USD/ per person. *My review about Visoth Bo...